
The Case FOR Citizen Advocacy for Political Stewardship

Political stewardship 
refers to  
elected leaders playing the role of political managers 
who are  
entrusted with the governance of a nation-state 
and its public resources 
which are the property of all citizens. 


The Modern Day Liberal (small "l")

"A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money"
G.Gordon Liddy

It's not easy to like G. Gordon Liddy, he of Watergate infamy, but it's also difficult to dispute the above statement. The modern day liberal has little in common with the classic liberal, who believed in individual freedom and responsibility and less government

Today's liberal believes pretty much the opposite.

What is Classical Liberalism?... Various Opinions

My friends and I have been discussing the differences between 'classical liberalism' and the ideology of modern day 'liberals'. It is amazing to see how many people confuse the two and refuse to accept the fact that modern day 'liberals' are more ideologically akin to 'socialists' ... as we watch the Canadian 'Liberal' party regroup and rebuild, and as we consider our own 'Liberal' government in Quebec it is important to understand what we are talking about. Here then is some basic research found on 'classical liberalism' to further our efforts to become 'enlightened and engaged' citizens ... 


What I said and what you say I said ...

I said ... government today is a net negative for humanity. It does more harm than good and is in the long run unsustainable. It should be reduced, decentralized and voluntarized

I did not say ... that I want anarchy. I did not say there is no need for laws.


Let's Review : Liberalism and Socialism - The Founding Intent ...

Liberalism was a reaction to feudal society, involving: 
focus on the individual,  
idea of responsible government 
support for Laissez-Faire capitalism,  
belief in individual rights and freedoms
Liberalism was founded on the belief that : 
man is naturally good 
gov’t should interfere as little as possible in economic and social lives  
individual rights are most important  
people give gov’t the authority to rule, and can take it away if they are unhappy

What's the difference between communism, fascism, and socialism?

It seems there are an infinite number of 'isms'.  In Quebec, the ones mentionned in our political discourse of late  
 communism - fascism - socialism  
are politically loaded 
and often used interchangeably, 
although the meanings are actually quite different. 
Definitions can explain the differences  
however definitions don't always reflect real-world scenarios.


Anthem - Ayn Rand - Complete Novella

Anthem written by Ayn Rand in 1937 and first published in 1938 celebrates man's independent spirit and condemns collectivism. 
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was legally published within the United States (or the United Nations Headquarters in New York subject to Section 7 of the United States Headquarters Agreement) before 1964, and copyright was not renewed.



Peut-on être à la fois libéral et conservateur ?

Le mot « conservatism » est souvent employé pour désigner toute l’aile droite des courants de pensée américains. 
 Parfois c’est le terme « libertarianism »
D’où une certaine confusion.
 Par ailleurs, se réclamer du libéralisme et du conservatisme pose un gros problème du point de vue libéral. 
 Pour des penseurs tels que Hayek ou Ayn Rand, les
conservateurs étaient assimilés à des étatistes


La suite de la discours de John Galt

L'extrait que j'ai choisi de publie (Ayn Rand - La Révolte d'Atlas) montre l'impossibilité du dialogue entre le producteur, qui sait que rien n'existe sans travail ni effort, et le politicien, qui croit qu'il suffit, pour que l'économie aille bien, de l'organiser d'en haut, tout en gardant une sphère politique parasitaire qui serait déconnectée de l'économie.  

Today's Heroic Innovators Building the World

and the Villianous Parasites Destroying it ...

It has been both a cry in the dark and a call to arms for generations of readers of Ayn Rand's great novels - which brilliantly portray a world like ours, a world of both great achievement and great crisis. Real-life titans of our time answer the question : Who is John Galt? ...


'Liberals' from Planned Societies to a Lust for Laws - Ayn Rand

In the 1930’s, the “liberals had a program of broad social reforms and a crusading spirit, they advocated a planned society, they talked in terms of abstract principles, they propounded theories of a predominantly socialistic nature—and most of them were touchy about the accusation that they were enlarging the government’s power; most of them were assuring their opponents that government power was only a temporary means to an end—a “noble end,” the liberation of the individual from his bondage to material needs.


Beyond Political Labels

Do you have to be a conservative to be a real-life Ayn Rand hero? 
Rand used the word conservative as an insult. But then again she did the same thing with the word liberal
When it comes to politics she was maddeningly hard to pin down - and very resistent to being labelled.


La Vertu d"égoïsme d'Ayn Rand - analyse de Patrice Venzine

L'homme agit suivant un code de valeurs qui guide ses choix, ses actions et fixent le but et le cours de sa vie. Contrairement à un robot, seule une entité vivante peut avoir des objectifs ou en créer. Et la principale norme d'un organisme vivant est déterminée par ce qui est requis pour sa survie, son adaptation à l'environnement. On comprendra alors pourquoi, épistémologiquement le concept de "valeur" tire son origine du concept de "vie".
Si une simple plante s'adapte de manière innée suivant la détermination fixée par la nature, la survie des organismes supérieurs tels que les hommes dépend d'une sphère d'action proportionnelle à l'étendue de leur conscience: c'est la propre conscience de l'homme qui découvre les objectifs, les moyens et les valeurs dont dépend sa vie. Pour cela, sa conscience opère une conceptualisation qui, par la pensée, donne naissance à la Raison.


The NDP Socialist Agenda - where to start?

Manifesto for a Socialist Canada
SOCIALISTS AROUND THE WORLD believe in the establishment of a society where the exploitation of one class by another will no longer exist. Our aim and ongoing struggle as New Democrats must be to establish a Socialist Canada. We believe that the achievement of this goal requires a socialist party that, together with the self-organized mass struggles of working people, can win government for the purpose of transforming Canada into a socialist society. Our objective as members of the New Democratic Party (NDP) is to make our party into one that fights for government, and when in government, actually implements socialist policies.  

A socialist NDP will campaign on a socialist/working class programme that puts public good ahead of private profit.
NDP Socialist Caucus


Representation without Authorization

The theory of representative government rests on the principle that an individual is a rational being, i.e., that they are able 
to perceive the facts of reality, 
to evaluate them, 
to form rational judgments, 
to make their own choices, and 
to bear responsibility for the course of their life.


The Campaign is Over

The NDP, acting in the best interest of the people they represent, rather than in their own (political) self-interest, have a duty to govern pro-actively within the scope of the reality in which they exist - meaning within the agenda of the governing majority with the goal of proposing, creating and implementing effective policy and delivering positive results to the Canadian people. 


The Shift to Autonomy - An Opinion

The error made by those wanting to move the debate in Quebec from sovereignty - federalism to right-left - was the initial dictate promoting the shift by advocates to the populace that they should vote for 'any federalist party except the Bloc'. It was clearly implied that 'federalist' parties were in some way interchangeable and that the priority of marginalizing the Bloc was the desired end in itself.