
Collaborative Governance - restoring effective representation

Socialism (collectivism) isn't the ONLY choice for effective program and service delivery. It's just the ONLY choice you've been offered. 

The search for a 'new paradigm' in governance that 'adapts' the concepts of direct democracy and leads us to a point where 'individuals' rather than 'political parties' are expected to 'effectively collaborate' with each other to bring solutions to the governance of society - in an non-partisan requires that we must first learn to Take the 'politics' out of 'government'.   

I can hear the nay-sayers immediately rush to 'pooh-pooh' the very notion that such collaboration is even within the realm of possibility. Certainly when we look at the competing political interests at play in our current system of governance - that would be a fair assumption to make. However I am going to make the case, from my experience and training in the field of creating and implementing 'cultural' change across organisations and within public/private partnerships - and demonstrate that such a level of non-political collaboration is not only possible - it is essential - to effective, progressive, de-centralized governance. 

I am in my element here and trust you too can entertain and embrace the challenges of a 'cultural shift'. 

The back story - one #PPC member

I'm in an odd position.


I live in Francophone Beauce.

My husband's hometown.

We've raised our 2 children here

among their very large extended family.

They were educated in French despite having an English option.

This is my 2nd time living here. We're here to integrate.

I'm from London, Ontario

My mother is Qcoise, My Father of Irish descent.

Despite being functionally bilingual, I'm considered 'anglo'

Despite being Canadian, I'm considered by local Statists an 'outsider'.

I've lost employment positions because local politicos consider me 'inappropriate'

to work in  a field in which there remains a shortage of qualified professionals.

I've supported Maxime Bernier's vision & platform since 2006.

But I've done so online, not in the field, not door to door.

My presence would be detrimental if not well received.

I receive no newsletters from my EDA.

I was invited to an event once only to have the invitation revoked.

I registered my husband and I to attend another event

only to find our names were not on the list when we arrived.

You see the same 'Politicos' who consider me an 'outsider',

also support Maxime Bernier, and he ... them.

I understand politics.

So I limit my advocacy to online activity.

It's an odd situation but thankfully a satisfying one

I have a contribution to make. My 'riding' is twitter.


La direction est toute aussi importante que le chemin.

Marcher c'est bien savoir vers où l'on va, c'est mieux.


Can capitalism be justified on religious grounds? - Ayn Rand

There can be no more disastrous error—morally, philosophically and politically—than to assert that the ultimate justification of Capitalism rests on faith. To assert this is to announce that there is no rational justification for Capitalism, no rational arguments to support the principles which created this country—and that reason is on the side of the enemy.
The Communists claim that they are the champions of reason and science. If the Conservatives concede that claim and retreat into the realm of religion, it will be an act of intellectual abdication, the kind of intellectual surrender that the Communists’ irrational ideology could never have won on its own merits.