A political party is a 'private collective'
a group of people
operating outside of government
to promote
a particular policy.
A political party is not part of the State.
The State - can/should/must - function
without political parties.
In Canada, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, as well as in Nunatsiavut, an autonomous area in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador have 'consensus government' There are no political parties. All Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) are elected as independents in their constituencies. No political parties are represented in the Legislature
The State can/should/must function for every citizen -
with or without political parties.
If some citizens
want to promote
a particular policy
a political Party to do so,
the state can function without them
and individual citizens in a free society,
must not be expected
to silently trade principle for inclusion or representation.
Dissent protects democracy.
A large Party needs people to run its offices, to publicize its views, to organize meetings and talks, to raise funds, to create new Party branches and communicate regularly with Party members. To do all of this Parties hire full-time employees, known by various names – officials, secretaries, bureaucrats, etc. The names don’t matter; what matters is that these people earn their living by running political parties and controlling their work. They decide what to do and how to do it, they influence nominations to Party posts. Given their level of influence and vested interest, party officials and staffers tend to make their employment with 'the political Party' their focus rather than the issues of a particular policy. Protecting one's job security is of common concern and practice in both the private and public sector, particularly when power and might conflict with merit. The priority of a person employed by a political party in any capacity will instinctively be their personal survival.

'the Party line' over 'personal choice and principle' in every instance.
'Talking points' are not an 'objective personal assessment – they are 'packaged political verbage' meant for collective public consumption.
Their jobs, their ambition, quite simply, depends on conformity and group-think. The 'political party staffer' is expected to trade 'principle' for 'Party and paycheque'.

If a divided party or corrupt party starts to run our State or is weakened through public discontent or scandal – it must resort to a form of 'autocracy', both internally and in the public domain - in order to maintain control and power. We are by that point – a very long way from 'Representative government and even further from 'authentic democracy'. But this is how all ‘democratic’ states, governments and political parties work today – in direct contradiction to the basic principle of democracy authorizing every citizen to individually and independently participate in deciding all laws and policies and retaining the ability to repeal issues of faulty governance.
It also contradicts the democratic principle of nomination by lottery only.
Party Rule is not democracy. In ‘Demos-kratia’ citizens vote directly for policies, not for political Parties. What is called "Democracy" today is actually Rule by Representatives . In Democracy Party leaders can ONLY decide the policies of their Party, not of society as a whole. Parties can propose a policy to the citizens; but never decide it for them.
A political party advocating a particular policy contributes to democracy, but a Party deciding all policies for all citizens is blatantly anti-democratic.
After World War II, Political Parties everywhere deteriorated in three ways:
1. Party Officials took over the Party from the policy-makers.
2. Parties began to seek power for their own benefits, beliefs, agendas and personal ambition rather than reflect the preferences and interests dictated by society.
3. Political Parties have become vote-collecting machines.
Too many individuals have come to believe this is ‘normal’, and that they are powerless to change it – powerless to claim their proper role in society, when in fact – individual citizens - tax payers and legitimate state-dependents alike – are the only one's who can assume personal responsibility – step up - speak out - and shun stagnant socialist statism and servitude - expose political cronyism, collusion, corruption and corporate capitalism and support the 'principled independents' among us. To do nothing is to participate in your own oppression and the systemic destruction of a Nation.
Explore your options - define your governance ...
independent individualism is your right !