The basic premise of crude, primitive tribal collectivism is the notion that wealth belongs to the tribe or to society as a whole, and that every individual has the “right” to “participate” in it.
The tribal premise underlies today’s political economy.That premise is shared by the enemies and the champions of capitalism alike; it provides the former with a certain inner consistency, and disarms the latter by a subtle, yet devastating aura of moral hypocrisyas witness, their attempts to justify capitalism on the ground of “the common good” or “service to the consumer” or “the best allocation of resources.”
Whose resources?
If capitalism is to be understood, it is this tribal premise that has to be checked and challenged. Mankind is not an entity, an organism, or a coral bush. The entity involved in production and trade is man. It is with the study of man not of the loose aggregate known as a “community” that any science of the humanities has to begin.
Political economists including the advocates of capitalism defined their science as the study of the management or direction or organization or manipulation of a “community’s” or a nation’s “resources.” The nature of these “resources” was not defined; their communal ownership was taken for granted and the goal of political economy was assumed to be the study of how to utilize these “resources” for “the common good.”

Political economy was, in effect, a science starting in midstream: it observed that men were producing and trading, it took for granted that they had always done so and always would it accepted this fact as the given, requiring no further consideration and it addressed itself to the problem of how to devise the best way for the “community” to dispose of human effort.
from Ayn Rand - Where the Money Is ...